Source: SAUR Energy International
A new report by ETC argues in its new report that the world can and must achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century. The report demonstrates that it is technically and economically possible to have a carbon-free economy by around mid-century at a total cost of less than 0.5% of global GDP. ETC Co-Chair and Director General, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Dr. Ajay Mathur said, “In India as in many countries, climate change is already impacting people and disrupting the economy. Governments from developed and developing countries will find in this blueprint practical recommendations on how to enhance their national strategies and ramp-up their commitments as part of the Paris agreement.”
“There is no doubt that it is technically and economically possible to reach the zero-carbon economy which we need by 2050; and zero must mean zero, not a plan which relies on the permanent and large-scale use of “offsets” to balance continued GHG emissions. But action in the next decade is crucial – otherwise it will be too late.”, ETC Co-Chair Adair Turner said.
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