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Better buildings are the foundation of the post-pandemic city

  • The City Solution
  • November 30, 2020


  • The C40 Global Mayors recommends investing in green solutions during the COVID recovery period.
  • Investing in new energy-efficient buildings and retrofits could provide huge emission reductions and cost-savings.
  • Better buildings are also a means of delivering healthcare.

City governments worldwide are looking to accelerate an economic recovery from COVID-19 that enables people to get back to work, while preventing climate breakdown from becoming an even bigger crisis.

Just this week, the C40 Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force released important new research that confirms investing COVID stimulus funds in green solutions would halt the climate crisis and deliver much faster economic recovery. Better buildings provide a solution to many of the problems facing cities: cutting emissions, saving costs and improving quality of life for residents. What’s more, large-scale programmes to retrofit existing buildings have huge potential to create good, secure jobs.

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